Still Here

Hi. I’m still here. Still creating. Still writing, though I don’t feel comfortable sharing most of it.

I heard once that happiness is not a permanent state. That happiness is a feeling, and the human brain is not built to stay on one emotion all the time. And that sadness is just as normal a feeling as happiness. That feelings act as a compass – and a compass that points in the same direction all the time is a really bad one. That emotions are your brain’s way of steering you through life. If something is making you feel a certain way, maybe that’s a sign to stop, reassess, and reconsider your route.

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Waking Up in a House of Worship

I met Ella this summer at an artist retreat. Ella is a prolific artist and all-around wonderful person. (It is worth noting that everyone at the retreat was/is pretty amazing!) By the retreat’s end, none of us wanted to really part ways so we kept in touch.

I need to thank the Universe, the stars, what have you, for steering me in the direction of Ella. A few weeks ago, I had the privilege of spending part of a nurturing and creative weekend with Ella at her charming cottage fittingly named The Treehouse.

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Art in the Wild

Greetings all! Last week was a glorious, beautiful, perfect week and I just have to gush about it for a second. Jenny invited me to spend the week with her at Bear Creek Camp in Northern PA for a very special, never-before-held Artist Retreat. I am so thankful I was able to make it work. Let me tell you all about it.

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