About this space

Despite its name, this isn't a blog about looking for wildflowers (though that does sound like a good time). This is a blog about living creatively. Much like lupines and other wildflowers, creativity can take root anywhere. Sure, it helps if it is planted and nurtured, but creativity lies within everyone whether it has been cultivated or not. 

This is a safe space to let creativity unspool in all of its forms. It is also a space to connect with fellow creatives and to stoke the spark of creativity in others. Let's hit the road together.

"What is creative living? Any life that is driven more strongly by curiosity than by fear." -Elizabeth Gilbert, Big Magic

A little about me

Hi! I'm Andie. Allow me to introduce myself and what you might expect to find while you are "looking for lupines."

  • I like to create things. I’m a fiber artist (I have a lot of yarn), but pretty much anything I can make with my own hands excites me. I'm always up for trying something new and you'll likely see some of that here.

  • I'm fluent in sarcasm... and also poetry. I'm a believer in the power of the written word, especially creative writing. It's a distinct possibility that poetry and other writing might show up here.

  • I'm always exploring. Whether it is near or far, new to me or seeing something old in a new way, exploring the world around me is a source of joy.

  • Other things that might pop up in future posts: My love of tea and tea shops, photos of my pets, reflections on recently read books, and musings about nature.