Stitched Back Together

Recently I introduced two people to cross stitch. Cross stitch is something I really enjoy doing – something about making one stitch at a time, following a plan (a pattern), and turning all of those singular stitches into a larger, more cohesive image. First I taught my dear friend Jessie and, more recently I taught my sister.

I can’t help but feel like there is some significance with my latter pupil. You see, there once was a time when my sister and I did not spent time together. We had a tenuous relationship. There was a falling out, to put it mildly and to keep those private details indeed private – and we weren’t altogether very nice to each other. This spanned the length of a few years and during that time, I mourned the absence of my only sibling. I think she did the same.

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Teamwork Makes the Dream Work: Craft Group Edition

Last month the Craft Co-op got together yet again, this time to make homemade spa gifts just in time for Christmas. I love this group so much. The majority of us met through our spouses/significant others who all went to college together. Along the way, we welcomed few more hot glue gun gurus to the craft group fold. We try to meet monthly, as schedules allow, and everyone chimes in on what we want to do at future crafting events. And of course we have snacks and maybe some wine. It wouldn’t be a craft group without those things.

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