Things to Make and Do: Spacefish

Jessie and I cracked open Things to Make and Do for another installment of quirky crafting. This time around we chose the Spacefish. Spacefish, you ask? What exactly is a Spacefish? Your guess is as good as ours. Side note: This installment could also be called “Fun with Foil.”

This craft is made entirely of found objects – aluminum foil; an empty bottle, milk carton, or box; and tape. Like our previous craft adventure, this little spacefish fits in the category of WTF. Its purpose is nebulous, other than serving as a reflective reminder of this afternoon. This one is really simple! Wrap a clean, empty bottle, milk carton, or box with foil. Adhere the foil with tape, then shape the fish mouth and tail fin.

Next you practice a little origami with a strip of foil to make the spacefish's back and fins. Attach the fins to the spacefish body with tape like so. We even made a baby spacefish!

We are almost done. Like all things good and holy, the spacefish really comes together with the addition of googly eyes.

My finished spacefish...

Jessie's finished spacefish...

With a little fishing line, these flashy fish now hang proudly in our workspaces, a reminder of this quirky crafternoon.

But wait… there’s more! Partly because we were hungry and party because this next “craft” struck as a smidge ridiculous, we also made peanut shell puppets. We started by cutting open the shell with scissors and promptly eating the peanuts inside. Next, we drew faces on the peanut shells with a fine-tipped Sharpie and popped the shells on our fingertips. Voila… We give you puppets in a pinch. Impressive, no?

Thanks for humoring us as we work our way through this gem of a craft book. Stay tuned for our next crafternoon. While you’re here, check out the outtakes. I give you photos of cute cats wearing foil crowns.

